Jatinga Bird Mystery Promotes Tourism in Assam

The world is often thrown into mystical debates by the occurrence of unexplained phenomenon which initiates scientific search for answers. Something similar happened in the beginning of this year in many parts of the world. Some are inclined towards believing Read More

Ecotourism Society of North East India Celebrates ‘Tree Bihu’ in Assam

The Ecotourism Society of North East India has been celebrating ‘Tree Bihu’, a unique tree plantation festival woven around Rongali Bihu which marks the onset of the Assamese New Year and the coming of Spring! The festival urges people to plant at least one tree in the first week of the New Year!

The Wild Side of the Wild

According to WWF-India, six young volunteers, including three women, were abducted on Sunday, 6th February 2011 while conducting field monitoring for the All India Tiger Estimation Project in Chirang Forest Division of Western Assam. Three of the abducted women volunteers were released two days later.

More Funds for Infrastructure: PMGSY to Ensure Rural Road Connectivity in Assam

Rural roadways infrastructure is the backbone of inclusive development, and its existence and quality is an indicator of the development status and potential of a region. Roads in India are the primary mode of mobilizing resources, be it food, consumables Read More

Bharat Nirman: Public Information Campaign Now Generates Awareness in Assam

The Press Information Bureau (PIB), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India’s Bharat Nirman Public Information Campaign has now reached Assam. The three day campaign being coordinated by the PIB, Guwahati is being executed at Jakalabhanda. The Directorate Field Read More

All Northeastern State Capitals to be Linked to Major Rail, Road and Air Routes

The Government of India has now envisioned the linking of the capitals of the eight North Eastern states to main lines on all three transport systems: rail, road and air. The Ministry for Development of North East Region (DoNER) today Read More

New Year 2011 Begins on a Green Note by the Ecotourism Society of Northeast India

Each year, the Brahmaputra River front in Guwahati witnesses large number of picnic and parties around the New Year’s eve. People celebrate, but sadly, don’t realize the volume and kind of waste they leave behind and the damage that it Read More

Watch Out! Climate Change May Be Altering the Taste of Your Tea

According to a recent article published in the Guardian, climate change induced rising temperatures and reduced rainfall pattern may well be leading to not just the reduction in yields but also altering the distinctive flavour of India’s most popular drink: Read More