All Northeastern State Capitals to be Linked to Major Rail, Road and Air Routes

The Government of India has now envisioned the linking of the capitals of the eight North Eastern states to main lines on all three transport systems: rail, road and air. The Ministry for Development of North East Region (DoNER) today Read More

Traditional Warfare and a Retired General Come Together at the Reh Festival in Roing

The Reh Festival, celebrated by the Idu Mishmi community in Arunachal Pradesh, is held each year from February 1-3. The timing is just right to head down to Dibang Valley during the festival and experience nature’s beauty and this colourful Read More

Rivers for Life: Global Grassroots Movements Against Big Dams Unite in Mexico

It’s hot sunny afternoon and the weather is dry in this far rugged country side. A truck stops by the bar and a man with a hat and a big moustache comes out of the vehicle. This is ‘Mexico’ that Read More

Agitation Against Big Dam Construction Intensifies Within Assam

The issue of big dam construction in the Northeast, which has been at the center stage in Arunachal Pradesh, is now steadily gaining momentum in the state of Assam as well. The situation has reached such a stage that the Read More

Mega Dams Same As Time Bombs, in Seismically Active Northeast Region

Recent studies in the last two decades, and micro-earthquake surveys in the Shillong Plateau and adjoining areas have revealed a high level of seismicity, indicating that the Plateau is under compressional stress. What is worrisome is that several scientists have been suggesting that northeast India is now due for a large earthquake.

‘Wild Meat Trail’ , A Film on Hunting in Northeast India Wins Green Oscar

Northeast India are pretty much the ‘Green Lungs of India’ and the region is one of the seven original biodiversity hotspots in the world. Blessed with rich natural resources and home to around 225 tribes, the region has remained enchanting Read More

‘Slow’ Death of the Rapidly Diminishing Traditional Systems in Northeast

I look at my little nephew and his friends and wonder if he would ever know about his culture or hear all the so many stories which have in them so much of mysticism attached. And in case he ever wanted to know, would there be anyone who would be there to justify his questions and fulfill his curiosity?

Dam the River, Damn the People in India’s NE State of Arunachal Pradesh

Tucked away in the northeastern most part of India, with snow capped Himalayas in the north and the plains of Brahamaputra river valley in the south is the diversity rich state of Arunachal Pradesh. But for its geographic location and other political factors, the state Read More