Rivers for Life: Global Grassroots Movements Against Big Dams Unite in Mexico

It’s hot sunny afternoon and the weather is dry in this far rugged country side. A truck stops by the bar and a man with a hat and a big moustache comes out of the vehicle. This is ‘Mexico’ that Read More

Ill Planned Hydroelectric Projects: The Burning Environmental Issue in Sikkim

The degradation of the Himalayan ecosystem is emerging as one of the major concern for ecologists and environmentalists across the country. The most burning environmental issue faced by Sikkim currently is the installation of dams on Teesta and adjoining rivers and Read More

Agitation Against Big Dam Construction Intensifies Within Assam

The issue of big dam construction in the Northeast, which has been at the center stage in Arunachal Pradesh, is now steadily gaining momentum in the state of Assam as well. The situation has reached such a stage that the Read More

Dam the River, Damn the People in India’s NE State of Arunachal Pradesh

Tucked away in the northeastern most part of India, with snow capped Himalayas in the north and the plains of Brahamaputra river valley in the south is the diversity rich state of Arunachal Pradesh. But for its geographic location and other political factors, the state Read More