Panos South Asia Announces Media Fellowships on Big Dams in Northeast India

Panos Institute South Asia’s RELAY programme invites print/web and television journalists to apply for the ‘Reporting research media fellowship programme’ on dams and development in Northeast India. Three print/web and one television fellowship will be awarded to candidates who regularly Read More

Ill Planned Hydroelectric Projects: The Burning Environmental Issue in Sikkim

The degradation of the Himalayan ecosystem is emerging as one of the major concern for ecologists and environmentalists across the country. The most burning environmental issue faced by Sikkim currently is the installation of dams on Teesta and adjoining rivers and Read More

Agitation Against Big Dam Construction Intensifies Within Assam

The issue of big dam construction in the Northeast, which has been at the center stage in Arunachal Pradesh, is now steadily gaining momentum in the state of Assam as well. The situation has reached such a stage that the Read More

Mega Dams Same As Time Bombs, in Seismically Active Northeast Region

Recent studies in the last two decades, and micro-earthquake surveys in the Shillong Plateau and adjoining areas have revealed a high level of seismicity, indicating that the Plateau is under compressional stress. What is worrisome is that several scientists have been suggesting that northeast India is now due for a large earthquake.