The Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh inaugurated the 9th Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas in New Delhi today. As previously informed on NE Greens through the 59th meeting of the North Eastern Council (NEC), the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs has partnered with the northeastern states of the country in hosting the “Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2011”. The 2011 Pravasi Bharatiya Divas therefore remained dedicated to the welfare of the Northeast region of India. Following is an excerpt from the Prime Minister’s inaugural speech on the occasion:
“This year the North Eastern States of India are the partner States for the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas. I represent the beautiful state Assam in Parliament and I know what boundless potential the North Eastern region has to contribute to our nation building given the right opportunities. Providing gainful employment opportunities for the youth is a real challenge. I encourage the diaspora to join hands with local and national efforts to accelerate the pace of development of this region.
I am glad that the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs is planning to initiate a ‘skills initiative’ for overseas employment of people from the North Eastern region. Towards this end, we will identify an Institute of Excellence to promote technical skills in the region in the areas of hospitality and health care.”
Ahead of the ongoing 9th Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas, the Government of India has already decided to exclude the states of Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland from the Protected Area (PAP) regime. The state in focus is apparently Manipur, with the website of the Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas showcasing the various Northeast packages as “Unveil beauty of Siroy Lily”, Glimpse of Manipur, Imphal Vacations and a separate tab for “Manipur and around” altogether. It is indeed heartening to see the Government of India actively promoting tourism in the state.
Manipur Adventure Trail, Quest of Manipur Through Adventure & Eco Tourism, Water Sports Loktak Lake Manipur and Premium Parasail Boats are all packages listed on the website. The website enumerates upon Manipur’s innumerable prospect for adventure eco-tourism. Loktak Lake itself is one such water sports site. Beside this KNLP (Keibul Lamjao National Park), the home of the Brow Antlered Deer (Sangai) one of the endangered species in the world, which can survive only on the floating biomass of Keibul Lamjao is also highlighted.
The refreshing change on the part of the Central Government will surely go a long way in creating an environment of change in Manipur, one that will help the people economically as well as ensure an overall development of the region. NE Greens greets every Pravasi Bharatiya on the occasion and encourages all overseas Indians to join hands in the efforts to bring about sustainable development of Northeast India.
Click here to read Prime Minister’s full speech on the occasion
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